Vorple Notifications by Juhana Leinonen

Version 3/181103 (for Glulx only)

"Notifications that display a short message on the screen and disappear after a few seconds."
Jump to extension code
Jump to "How To I" example
Jump to "Score Notifications" example


Includes and Included by are omitted for modules with errors


My low-level reader of source code reported a mistake - "this Inform 6
directive is not supported in kits or '(-' inclusions: 'Replace
GGRecoverObjects;'". Low-level material written in Inform 6 syntax occurs
either in kits or in matter written inside 'Include (- ... -)' in source
text, either in the main source or in an extension used by it.

My low-level reader of source code reported a mistake - "this Inform 6
directive is not supported in kits or '(-' inclusions: 'Replace YesOrNo;'".
Low-level material written in Inform 6 syntax occurs either in kits or in
matter written inside 'Include (- ... -)' in source text, either in the
main source or in an extension used by it.

My low-level reader of source code reported a mistake - "this Inform 6
directive is not supported in kits or '(-' inclusions: 'Replace
PrintPrompt;'". Low-level material written in Inform 6 syntax occurs
either in kits or in matter written inside 'Include (- ... -)' in source
text, either in the main source or in an extension used by it.

My low-level reader of source code reported a mistake - "inform 6 syntax
error in function 'GGRecoverObjects': no matching '#endif'". Low-level
material written in Inform 6 syntax occurs either in kits or in matter
written inside 'Include (- ... -)' in source text, either in the main
source or in an extension used by it.

My low-level reader of source code reported a mistake - "inform 6 syntax
error in function 'GGRecoverObjects': no matching '#endif'". Low-level
material written in Inform 6 syntax occurs either in kits or in matter
written inside 'Include (- ... -)' in source text, either in the main
source or in an extension used by it.

My low-level reader of source code reported a mistake - "inform 6 syntax
error in function 'GGRecoverObjects': misplaced directive". Low-level
material written in Inform 6 syntax occurs either in kits or in matter
written inside 'Include (- ... -)' in source text, either in the main
source or in an extension used by it.

My low-level reader of source code reported a mistake - "inform 6 syntax
error in function 'GGRecoverObjects': misplaced directive". Low-level
material written in Inform 6 syntax occurs either in kits or in matter
written inside 'Include (- ... -)' in source text, either in the main
source or in an extension used by it.
Copy Include Vorple Notifications by Juhana Leinonen to clipboard Include Vorple Notifications by Juhana Leinonen.
Chapter: Notifications

Notifications are messages that show briefly in the top right corner of the page and then fade away. A notification can be displayed with:

display a notification reading "Hello World!";

Notifications can have a title that's shown in bold type above the notification text:

display a notification with title "Welcome" reading "Have fun!";

The notification is shown for seven seconds before it disappears. The duration can be changed per notification:

display a notification reading "Time passes..." for 10 seconds;

or globally by changing the "default notification duration" number variable:

now the default notification duration is 10;

There are four different notification types that have different background colors and icons: info, success, warning and error. The default notification type is info.

display a warning notification reading "Tread carefully!";
display a success notification with title "Achievement unlocked" reading "You found the secret passage";

Chapter: Fallback

If Vorple isn't available, the fallback is to display the notifications at the end of turn as plain text. The feature can be overridden by checking Vorple's availability:

if Vorple is available:
display a notification reading "Click on your inventory items to examine them more closely";
say "Type EXAMINE followed by an inventory item's name to examine them more closely.";

if Vorple is available:
display a notification reading "Welcome to Vorple-enhanced [story title]!";

The default fallback can also be turned off completely:

*: The print notifications fallback rule is not listed in any rulebook.

Example: * How To I - Showing small tips to new players who might not be familiar with the standard IF conventions.

Copy "How To I" to clipboard
"How To I"

Include Vorple Notifications by Juhana Leinonen.
Release along with the "Vorple" interpreter.

Lab is a room. "You're in a fancy laboratory."
Corridor is north of lab.

A test tube is in the lab.
A trolley is in the lab. It is pushable between rooms.

When play begins:
   display a notification reading "Type LOOK (or just L) to see the room description again".

After taking something for the first time:
   display a notification reading "Type INVENTORY (or just I) to see a list of what you're carrying";
   continue the action.

After examining the trolley for the first time:
   display a notification reading "You can push the trolley between rooms by commanding PUSH TROLLEY followed by a compass direction".

After reading a command when the player's command includes "examine":
   display a notification reading "Tip: You can abbreviate EXAMINE to just X".
Test me with "take test tube / examine test tube / x trolley".
Example: ** Score Notifications - A visual notification when the player is awarded points.

We'll create a rule that will show the score change as a Vorple notification, or use the original score notification rule if the game is being played in a non-Vorple interpreter.

Copy "Score Notifications" to clipboard
"Score Notifications"

Include Vorple Notifications by Juhana Leinonen.
Release along with the "Vorple" interpreter.

Use scoring. The maximum score is 5.

Chapter 1 - New score notifications

To say score notification message:
   (- NotifyTheScore(); -).

This is the enhanced notify score changes rule:
   if Vorple is supported:
     if the last notified score is not the score:
       display a notification reading "[score notification message]";
       now the last notified score is the score;
     follow the notify score changes rule.

The enhanced notify score changes rule is listed instead of the notify score changes rule in the turn sequence rulebook.

Chapter 2 - Treasure chamber

Treasure Chamber is a room. "Wealth beyond your dreams is piled all over this room."

A valuable is a kind of thing. The pearls, gold coins, diamonds, rubies and emeralds are plural-named valuables in the Treasure Chamber.

Carry out taking a valuable when the noun is not handled (this is the award points for finding valuables rule):
   increase the score by one.

Test me with "take coins / take diamonds and rubies / take all".
Version 3/181103 of Vorple Notifications (for Glulx only) by Juhana Leinonen begins here.

"Notifications that display a short message on the screen and disappear after a few seconds."

Include version 3 of Vorple by Juhana Leinonen.

Use authorial modesty.

Chapter 1 - Displaying notifications

Notification type is a kind of value. Notification types are info notification, success notification, warning notification and error notification.

Default notification duration is a number that varies. Default notification duration is usually 7.

To display a/an/-- (type - notification type) with the/a/-- title (header - text) reading (msg - text) for (sec - real number) second/seconds:
   let method be text;
   if type is:
     -- info notification:
       now method is "info";
     -- success notification:
       now method is "success";
     -- warning notification:
       now method is "warning";
     -- error notification:
       now method is "error";
   execute JavaScript command "toastr.[method]('[escaped msg]',[if header is not empty]'[escaped header]',[end if]{timeOut: [sec]*1000, escapeHtml: true})";
   add "[if header is not empty][header] - [end if][msg]" to the displayed notifications.

To display a/an/-- (type - notification type) with the/a/-- title (header - text) reading (msg - text):
   display a type with title header reading msg for default notification duration seconds.

To display a/an/-- (type - notification type) reading (msg - text) for (sec - real number) second/seconds:
   display a type with title "" reading msg for sec seconds.

To display a/an/-- (type - notification type) reading (msg - text):
   display a type with title "" reading msg for default notification duration seconds.

To display a/-- notification with the/a/-- title (header - text) reading (msg - text) for (sec - real number) second/seconds:
   display an info notification with title header reading msg for sec seconds.

To display a/-- notification with the/a/-- title (header - text) reading (msg - text):
   display an info notification with title header reading msg for default notification duration seconds.

To display a/-- notification reading (msg - text) for (sec - real number) second/seconds:
   display an info notification with title "" reading msg for sec seconds.

To display a/-- notification reading (msg - text):
   display an info notification with title "" reading msg for default notification duration seconds.

Chapter 2 - Fallback

Displayed notifications is a list of text that varies.

Before reading a command (this is the print notifications fallback rule):
   if Vorple is not supported:
     repeat with note running through displayed notifications:
       say "[italic type][bracket][note][close bracket][roman type][paragraph break]" (A).

Before reading a command (this is the empty displayed notifications list rule):
   truncate displayed notifications to 0 entries.

Vorple Notifications ends here.